Reduce Inflammation

Improve Quality of Life

About InflaFit
InflaFit is a civic association based in Slovakia, specializing in reducing inflammation levels for individuals with inflammatory or autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Our mission is to alleviate pain and enhance the overall quality of life.
Join Us in Fighting Inflammation
Together for a Healthier Tomorrow

Lifestyle Guidance

We provide guidance on lifestyle adjustments that can help reduce inflammation and improve overall well-being.

Pain Management

Our pain management techniques aim to alleviate discomfort and enhance daily comfort for individuals suffering from inflammation-related conditions.

Guided Exercise Programs

Custom exercise routines designed to accommodate physical limitations and aimed at reducing inflammation and improving overall wellbeing.

Personalized Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plans

We are here to help with anti-inflammatory diet plans tailored to reduce inflammation and pain for those with autoimmune diseases.

Educational Workshops and Webinars

Join our educational workshops and webinars where we discuss strategies, nutrition tips, and lifestyle changes to combat chronic inflammation and improve your well-being.

Discussion Group Meetings

Connect with others in a welcoming and inclusive space to exchange ideas, experience, perspectives and goals.

 InflaFit mi zmenil život. Ich prístup k zníženiu zápalu výrazne zlepšil môj každodenný komfort a celkovú kvalitu života. 

Eva (SK)
Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

 Thanks to InflaFit, I've been able to better manage my inflammation levels and experience less pain on a daily basis. They provided valuable support and guidance throughout my journey. 

David (UK)
Autoimmune Disease Patient

 Die personalisierte Entzündungsüberwachung von InflaFit hat mein Leben wirklich verändert. Ich habe das Gefühl, meinen Zustand besser unter Kontrolle zu haben und habe eine deutliche Verbesserung meines allgemeinen Wohlbefindens festgestellt. 

Thomas (AT)
Inflammatory Disease Patient

 Vďaka InflaFitu sa moja bolesť reumatoidnej artritídy výrazne znížila. Teraz si môžem užívať svoje tréningy a outdoorové aktivity bez akýchkoľvek nepríjemných pocitov. InflaFit skutočne zmenil môj život k lepšiemu! 

Katka (SK)
Fitness Enthusiast

 InflaFit has been a true blessing in my life. Their approach to reducing inflammation has significantly alleviated my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. I can now enjoy an active lifestyle without the constant pain. 

Jack (UK)
Software Engineer

 Dank InflaFit habe ich gelernt, meine Autoimmunerkrankung besser in den Griff zu bekommen. Ihre Ressourcen und Unterstützung haben mein Wohlbefinden und mein allgemeines Glücksgefühl enorm verbessert. 

Elke (DE)
Graphic Designer
  • 0.00
  •  6.9.2024 19:00 - 6.9.2024 22:00
  •   Peller's Restaurant, Tri Vody, Malinovo, Slovakia

Join us for dinner and have a friendly conversation about different lifestyles. Places are limited. 10 people max. To book yourself for this event, please send us an email. Thank you

  • 0.00
  •  16.8.2024 18:00 - 16.8.2024 20:00
  •   Tri Vody, Malinovo, Slovakia

Join us for a discussion about daily life with autoimmune disease and strategies for managing symptoms.

  • 0.00
  •  5.7.2024 10:00 - 5.7.2024 14:00
  •   Tri Vody, Malinovo, Slovakia

Allow yourself to be pampered and revitalized with our relaxing massage sessions, designed to help you unwind and de-stress.

Voluntary contributions help us to cover all costs related to services and support we provide to people with inflammatory diseases.

SK54 7500 0000 0040 3248 7536
  • Tri Vody III, Malinovo 900 45, Slovakia

IČO 55 187 374